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Da Vinci Surgical System

      The Da Vinci Surgical System is a type of robotic surgery tool that helps perform a variety of surgeries on patients. This surgical system works by connecting with the surgeon’s hand movements at a console.  Using the da Vinci helps both doctors and patients, as it is efficient to use, and creates small cuts so it is less traumatic and painful for the patient. The success rates of the da Vinci robotic surgery is around 78% and 94%, as there is a 2% to 5% chance that the system will malfunction. Robotic surgery in general has a high rate of success, usually ranging from 94% to 100%.

     There are many different components that make up the da Vinci system: the dual surgeon console, patient-side cart, EndoWrist instruments, and a vision system.  The dual surgeon console is a set-up that allows surgeons to operate through a 3D screen. The 3D screen (the vision system) provides 3D images of the operation and allows surgeons to look at those images close up. Surgeons use master controls at the console to make sure the transitions of movement between the robot and them are smooth. Through the console system, the surgeon’s hand, wrist, and finger movements are able to be translated through the surgical instruments. EndoWrist instruments are the tools that help with this, as it is designed to mimic the motions of a human’s hands/wrists. The patient-side cart consists of around 3 to 4 mechanical arms and 2 to 3 instrument arms to allow doctors to complete surgeries successfully.  The patient-side cart provides all of the small tools and instruments for the surgeons to help with incisions and minimize a patient’s tissue damage. Through all of these components, the da Vinci surgical system is truly an efficient and better way for surgeons and patients to both get through surgery.

Though there are many types of robotic systems, the da Vinci system is certainly one of the more revolutionary types of surgical procedures in this day and age. With over 5,500 da Vinci systems installed in 67 countries, the diffusion of this technology has allowed more people to have access to better surgical procedures and instruments. As robotic surgery keeps evolving, there will come a time where robotic systems will be fully autonomous with no need of human assistance at all. Through systems like the da Vinci, the healthcare field will continue to improve and develop as more innovations and technologies come along.



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